ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2020.5(1)


发布时间:2020-04-30作者:陈传龙 韩盼星浏览次数:214

Critical Paths of China's Industrial Wastewater Discharge
Caused by External Demand

Chen Chuanlong and Han Panxing





Abstract: In order to achieve China's water pollution discharge reduction targets and implement the new concept of open and green development, it is necessary to study the pollutant discharge of China's industrial wastewater caused by external demand. This paper analyzes China's industrial COD emissions caused by final demand based on the world environment-economy multi-regional input and output model. This paper also researches the pollution transfer path of “demand consumption of foreign countries, emissions from Chinese production” from the perspective of supply chain using the structural path analysis method. This research found that United States, Japan, Europe and other major developed countries and BRICS countries are main sources of China's industrial COD emissions. “Manufacturing of textiles, apparels and leather goods to non-Chinese countries or regions” and “manufacturing of food, drink and tobacco products to non-Chinese countries or regions” are main path types of China's industrial COD emissions. There are also significant differences in the contribution rate of the key path leading to industrial COD emissions in China. This paper puts forward the policy suggestions include strengthening cooperation with developed countries such as the United States, Japan, Europe and BRICS countries in environmental governance, promoting green production and service and realizing trade transformation and comprehensively supervising the pollutant discharge of China's industrial wastewater referring to the critical path.

Keywords: Industrial COD; Pollution Transfer; Structural Path Analysis; Input and Output Model




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