ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2020.5(1)


发布时间:2020-04-30作者:全禹澄 李志青 浏览次数:1738

Measuring Environmental Regulation Stringency in China:
Perspective of China's Pollution Levy System

Quan Yuchengand Li Zhiqing



AbstractAs the earliest and longest economic incentive environmental policy tool in China, the pollution charge policy provides the possibility of constructing environmental regulation stringency measurement index. This paper focuses on the literature about Chinese environmental regulation. Commonly used indicators of regulation stringency have some problems including simultaneity, multi-dimensionality, measurement error, some common problems relevant to index construction, and relative lack of focus on government behavior. Therefore in this paper, we explore the possibility of new index using dataset from pollution charge policy and new econometric model to construct points provinces and intensity of environmental regulation, with the widely used three kinds of regulation strength index, through the consistency test, model test and other methods to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. We find that compared to the existing indices, thepollution charge index alleviates problems of simultaneity and multidimensionality, and has the advantages of focusing on government behavior and covering a variety of environmental policy tools. The policy implication is that local governments should consider the interaction among variety of environmental policies and raise the environmental protection tax rate conditional on different regions and industries.

KeywordsEnvironmentalRegulationStringency Indices; Pollution Charge; Total Factor Productivity





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