ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2016.1 (2)



China’s Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures in Implementation of Paris Agreement
Zhou Maorong

摘要:《巴黎协定》的生效为全球加强气候变化合作,减少温室气体排放、向低碳转型提供了新的推动力量。本文在阐述《巴黎协定》的亮点与不足之后,着重分析了中国落实该协定所面临的机遇与挑战,最后就中国落实该协定提出了四点对策建议,包括加快经济结构调整和经济发展方式转变,多种减排手段并用以争取实现2030 年减排目标,通过技术和体制创新加快能源生产与消费结构的转换以及努力将“一带一路”建设成为绿色低碳发展之路。

关键词 : 《巴黎协定》,  国家自主贡献,  一带一路

Abstract: The entry into force of Paris Agreement will be a new incentive to the enhancement of global cooperation on climate change, the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and the transformation to low-carbon economy. The paper firstly analyses the merits and demerits of Paris Agreement, and then discusses the opportunities and challenges China is facing with on taking the agreement into practice. In the end, the paper attempts to provide some suggestions concerning the implementation of the agreement, including accelerating the economic structural adjustment and the transformation of economic development pattern, simultaneously using varies of emission reduction approaches for the realization of emission reduction target before 2030, accelerating the transformation of energy production and consumption structure through technical and regime innovation and making the“the Belt and Road”a green and low-carbon development road. 

Keywords:Paris Agreement; Intended Nationally Determined Contributions;“the Belt and Road”



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