ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 当期目录

中国电力系统环境效率评价及其空间异质性研究 ——基于改进两阶段DEA模型

发布时间:2024-12-31作者:蒋建立 解百臣 佘震宇浏览次数:25

Environmental Efficiency Evaluation andSpatialHeterogeneityAnalysis of China's Power System:AnImprovedTwo-stage DEA Approach

Jiang Jianli, XieBaichen, She Zhenyu

摘要:电力系统作为国家能源体系的核心部分,在推动绿色低碳发展和实现碳中和目标中扮演着关键角色。本文在考虑因素空间溢出效应的基础上,结合三种空间Tobit 模型改进两阶段数据包络分析(DEA)模型,研究了20112022 年间30 个省级电力系统的环境效率,并引入Dagum 基尼系数分析管理非效率的区域差异及其来源。研究发现,电力系统环境效率整体有待提高,尤其是输电部门;外部异质性因素如可再生能源政策、市场化改革、资源禀赋和技术创新对环境效率有显著正面影响,而极端天气条件则产生负面影响。空间分析结果揭示了环境效率的正向空间自相关性,表明区域间存在显著的空间依赖性。Dagum 基尼系数的分析进一步表明,管理非效率在区域间差异不大,但存在一定的空间梯度差异性。因此,在进行“标杆管理”时应统筹考虑外部环境的差异性,实施差异化战略,并进一步强化空间溢出效应,健全区域合作互助机制。本文不仅为电力系统环境效率的提升提供了策略建议,也为实现区域间的协同发展和政策制定提供了科学依据。

关键词:改进两阶段DEA;电力系统;环境效率;空间异质性;Dagum 基尼系数


Abstract: The power system, as a vital component of the national energy framework, plays a pivotal role in propellinggreen, low-carbon development and achieving carbon neutrality goals. This study evaluates the environmental efficiency of 30 provincial power systems in China from 2011 to 2022, considering the spatial spillover effects of externalfactors. By integrating three spatial Tobit models into an improved two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model,the research assesses the impact of external heterogeneities such as renewable energy policies, market reforms, resourceendowments, and technological innovation on environmental efficiency, while also accounting for the negativeinfluence of extreme weather conditions. The findings reveal that there is considerable room for improvement in theenvironmental efficiency of power systems, particularly in the transmission sector. The spatial analysis results highlighta positive spatial autocorrelation in environmental efficiency, indicating significant spatial interdependenciesamong regions. Further analysis using the DagumGini coefficient indicates that while regional disparities in managerialinefficiency are not pronounced, there are noticeable spatial gradients. Therefore, in the realm of benchmarkingmanagement, it's crucial to factor in the variegated external environment, tailor strategies accordingly, amplify the impactof spatial spillovers, and refine the collaborative and supportive mechanisms among regions. This study not onlyoffers strategic recommendations for enhancing the environmental efficiency of power systems but also provides a scientificfoundation for policy formulation and collaborative regional development.

Keywords: ImprovedTwo-stage DEAPower SystemEnvironmental EfficiencyDagumGiniCoefficient


