ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2021.6(1)

企业碳信息披露的动机与影响因素 ——基于上证社会责任指数成分股企业的分析

发布时间:2021-03-31作者:宫宁 段茂盛浏览次数:277

The Motivation and Influencing Factors of Corporate Carbon Information Disclosure: An Analysis of the Constituent Enterprises of SSE Social Responsibility Index

Gong Ning and Duan Maosheng





Abstract: In order to achieve the carbon peak and carbon neutral commitments, as the basic source of GHG emissions, enterprises have the responsibility to carry out high-level carbon management and high-quality carbon information disclosure. This paper selects the data of 100 listed companies in China's SSE Social Responsibility Index as the research sample and constructs the carbon information disclosure evaluation index system to describe the carbon information disclosure from the two dimensions of quality and quantity, empirically tests the relationship between corporate carbon information disclosure and their carbon emissions, and examines the moderating effect of external institutional pressure. The empirical results show that the level, quality, and quantity of corporate carbon information disclosure are significantly positively correlated with their carbon emissions, and the carbon information disclosure is motivated by legality management. When the carbon emissions increase, the enterprises tend to improve the quantity of carbon information disclosure. The carbon emissions of companies in high-carbon emission industries significantly positively affect the level, quality, and quality of carbon information disclosure, and significantly negatively affect the ratio of quality to quantity of carbon information disclosure, while the positive relationship between the level and quality of carbon information disclosure and carbon emissions of enterprises in non-high carbon industries is not significant. Pressure from outside enterprises significantly weakens the positive relationship between the level and quantity of carbon information disclosure and their carbon emissions. The conclusions help to seek an effective path to promote enterprises to actively disclose carbon information and improve the level of carbon management, and provide a theoretical basis for the construction of corporate carbon information system.

Keywords: GHG Emissions; Carbon Information Disclosure; Legitimacy Theory; Signalling Theory





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