A Multi-Objective Optimization for Environmental Management Using NSGA-II and a Hybrid WeightingTechnique as Evaluation Criteria: A Case Study of China's Cement Industry
Wen Zongguo, Huang Da, Ding Jia, Wang Yihan
Abstract:Complex trade-offs exist between the multiple environmental and economic objectives involved in industrial energy conservation and emission reduction (ECER) management. However, extant studies on ECER management mostly adopt single-objective optimization approaches, which do not take into account these trade-offs. This would lead to economically infeasible ECER targets, or less-effective ECER targets with respect to a comprehensive improvement in all objectives. To address this issue, this study builds a multi-objective optimization model for industrial ECER management in China's cement industry, aiming at simultaneously minimizing energy intensity, CO2 emission intensity and economic cost for deployment of cleaner production technologies. We then adopt NSGA-II, a widely used multi-objective optimization algorithm, to solve the model and obtain the optimal technology deployment scheme. Finally, the TOPSIS method and a hybrid objective function weighting technique are adopted to select final schemes according to different decision preferences. The results show that, it is more efficient to simultaneously optimize multiple objectives as an overall improvement in both environmental and economic performance can be achieved. The energy consumption and CO2 emission can be reduced by 15.95% and 32.77%, respectively, at an economic cost of 110.58~116.27 CNY/t cement. Compared with the national planning targets, the results reveal that the CO2 emission target is infeasible while the energy intensity reduction target is ineffective. Altogether 23 cleaner production techniques require strong promotion policies as they can realize significant ECER targets at a feasible economic cost.
Keywords:Cement Industry; Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction; Multi-Objective Optimization; NSGA-II Method; Multi-Criteria Decision Making
基金项目:本 文 系“ 十 三 五 ”国 家 重 点 研 发 计 划 项 目“ 钢 铁 - 化 产 - 建 材 联 产 过 程 污 染 物 协 同 优 化 控 制 ”(2016YFB0601305)和国家杰出青年科学基金项目“环境与生态管理”(71825006)的阶段性成果。