ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 当期目录


发布时间:2022-03-31作者:鄢哲明 杜克锐 张宁浏览次数:303

Renewable Energy Technology Innovation and Carbon Reduction: A Study from the Perspective of Regional Unbalanced Development

Yan Zheming, Du Kerui, Zhang Ning


Abstract: Renewable energy technological innovation is an important driving force in China’s path to achieve climate and environmental targets. For regions with various levels of economic development, their capacities and ways of developing and utilizing renewable energy technologies could be quite different. Based on the partial linear functional-coefficient panel data models, this paper uses a panel dataset from 30 provinces in mainland China from 1997 to 2015 to explore the heterogeneous impact of renewable energy technology innovation in various regions. The results show that only when income reaches a certain level can renewable energy technology innovation achieve CO2 reduction. After that, the marginal emission reduction effect of renewable energy technology innovation increases with income growth. More importantly, income level thresholds of the two mechanisms are different, implying that provinces in different years use renewable energy innovation to achieve CO2 reduction through different mechanisms.The difference in income level threshold between the two mechanisms that significantly reduce carbon emissions is noticeable. In 2015, all provinces can achieve substantial carbon emission reduction effects by increasing the proportion of renewable energy, but less than half of the regions can use carbon productivity as improving channel mechanism. Based on the empirical findings, this paper proposes policy recommendations for renewable energy development with regional differences.
Keywords: Renewable Energy Technology Innovation; Carbon Dioxide Emissions; Carbon Productivity; Partial Linear Functional-Coefficient Model

