ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2018.3 (3)


发布时间:2018-09-20作者:魏文栋 郭艺 谷岱南 李佳硕浏览次数:249

Low Carbon Transformation of Production Structure in China’ s Power Sector
Wei Wendong,Guo Yi,Gu Dainan and Li Jiashuo


关键词 : 可再生能源,  投入产出分析,  隐含碳排放,  电力行业

Abstract: Against the background of the carbon emission reduction,China is vigorously promoting electricity transition to facilitate low carbon development. This paper based on the 2012 and 2015 input-output table,disaggregates the power sector into power supply sector and other six different power generation sectors. Further,by using of the Environmentally Extended Input - Output Analysis,we then evaluate the sectoral embodied carbon emission intensities. The results showed that the embodied carbon emission intensity of the power sector in 2015 was lower than that in 2012,but the power sector is still the main sector generating carbon emissions. And most industrial sectors’ embodied carbon emission intensities showed a downward trend in 2012-2015, indicating that the low-carbon transformation of energy structure had also driven the low-carbon transformation of various industrial sectors. However, the calculation of embodied carbon emission intensity of the gas power sector showed that its intensity was 20 times higher than that of the renewable energy power sector. Therefore, increasing the share of renewable energy in energy mix will benefit China's green and low-carbon development. In the future,measures such as improving the green certificate trading system and the renewable energy quota system should be implemented to enhance the development of renewable energy. Moreover, the production structure of the power industry can be further optimized by reducing the
proportions of coal and gas power.

 Keywords: Renewable Energy; Input-Output Analysis; Embodied Carbon Emissions; Power Sector

基金资助:上 海 市 青 年 科 技 英 才 扬 帆 计 划 “ 中 国 电 力 资 源 流 动 的 空 间 结 构 及 演 化 机 理 研 究” (18YF1417500)、上海理工大学人文社科培育基金项目“‘一带一路’能源基础设施互联互通对区域经济的影响和机理”(SK18YB12)



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