ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2017.2 (2)


发布时间:2017-06-20作者:郭施宏 吴文强浏览次数:231

Efficiency and Effects of Air Pollution Governance in China: Based on Super-efficiency DEA and Simultaneous Equations Model
Guo Shihong and Wu Wenqiang

摘要:中国正面临着严峻的大气污染治理挑战。当前的大气污染治理效率如何,是否取得治理效果,这是亟待探究的问题。本文基于超效率DEA 模型,从“投入-产出”视角测度了中国各省级行政区的大气污染治理效率,并通过联立方程模型实证分析大气污染治理效率对改善大气环境的效果。结果表明:第一,中国大气污染治理效率整体上水平不高,距离实现DEA 有效存在较大差距;第二,大气污染治理效率在空间上呈现出“西高东低”的特点,并显现出东中西部地区逐步收敛的趋势;第三,在全国范围内,大气污染治理效率提高对大气污染具有显著的抑制效果,但在西部地区,大气污染治理效率与治理效果存在不匹配的现象。因此,提高大气污染治理效率是改善环境质量的有效途径;而西部地区应加大治理投入,合理承接地区产业转移。

关键词 : 大气污染,  治理效率,  治理效果,  超效率DEA,  3SLS

Abstract: China faces serious air pollution problem. It is meaningful to understand the efficiency and effects of air pollution governance in China. This is a question that needs to be explored. With a perspective of input-and-output, we estimate the efficiency of air pollution governance of each province by super-efficiency DEA model. Then the efficiency of air pollution governance is analyzed by simultaneous equations model. The results show that air pollution control efficiency in China is far from DEA-efficiency and the efficiency of the provinces in the western China is higher than that in the central and eastern China. The efficiency of different regions shows a tendency of convergence. In addition, the improvement of air pollution governance efficiency can significantly reduce air pollution nationwide. However, does little to reduce air pollution in the western China, which means effects and efficiency do not match in this region. Therefore, promoting the efficiency of air pollution governance can improve the air quality in China. In terms of the western cities in China, local authorities need to increase input to air pollution governance and settle down industries relocated from other parts of the country appropriately. 

Keywords: Air Pollution; Governance Efficiency; Governance Effects; Super-efficiency DEA; 3SLS



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