ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 2017.2 (3)



TheQuantitativeRelationsofSomeKeyIndicatorsinChina’ s National Emission Trading System Design
Zhang Xiliang

摘要:以降低单位GDP 碳排放或提高碳生产力为主来控制碳排放总量是我国现阶段应对气候变化政策方针的一个基本特征;采用以免费为主的配额分配方式分配配额是我国现阶段碳市场建设的一个基本特征。基于这两个基本特征,本文讨论了的国家碳市场总体设计的几个关键问题,表述了单位GDP 碳减排目标、碳市场对完成国家碳减排目标的贡献率、覆盖范围、配额总量、行业碳排放基准值等碳市场总体设计中关键指标之间的数量关系,为碳市场总体设计建立了一个“自上而下”和“自下而上”相结合的分析框架,指出了碳市场总体设计和建设应该遵循的基本原理,可为国家碳市场的设计和建设提供有效的科学指导。

关键词 : 碳市场设计,  国家碳减排目标,  总量设定,  配额分配

Abstracts: The primary climate policy of China is currently characterized by controlling its carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the carbon emissions per unit of GDP or improving the carbon productivity. Free allocation is the primary way for allowance allocation in the first phase of its national emissions trading system (ETS) construction. This paper describes the quantitative relations of some key indicators which should be taken into account in national ETS design, such as carbon intensity reduction target, the contribution of ETS in achieving the carbon intensity reduction target, the ETS coverage, total allowance allocation, industry carbon emission basic value, establishing an analytical framework which integrates the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach for cap-setting and allowance allocation. In the end, the paper points out the basic principle which the design and construction of ETS should follow, aiming to provide effective scientific guidance.

Keywords:ETS Design; National Climate Change Mitigation Target; ETS Cap-setting; ETS Allowance Allocation



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