ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 当期目录

政府竞争视角下生态转移支付对基本公共服务 供给的影响研究

发布时间:2024-12-31作者:曹鸿杰 宋英杰 李美娜 申可欣浏览次数:23

The Impact of Ecological Transfer Payments on the Provisionof Basic Public Services from a Government CompetitionPerspective

Cao Hongjie, Song Yingjie, Li Meina, Shen Kexin




Abstract: Ecological transfer payment system based on market-oriented compensation mechanism has gradually become an important financial tool to coordinate the green development of local governments. From the perspective ofgovernment competition, this paper uses China’s provincial panel data to build a spatial autoregressive model to identify the strategic competitive behavior characteristics of local governments in the supply of basic public services.Moreover, this paper also texts the effect of ecological transfer payment on the supply of basic public services and discusses the influence of ecological transfer payment on the spatial strategic competition behavior of local governments.It is found that the supply of basic public services between local governments in China has a strategic interaction behavior of“imitation competition”in space. Ecological transfer payment not only has an incentive effect on the supplyof basic public services, but also strengthens the strategic competition behavior between regions, and the influenceweakens from the western region to the eastern region. Based on this, this studyproposes policy suggestionssuch as establishing a positive competitive environment, improving the transfer payment system, and strengthening the assessment framework.

Keywords: Ecological Transfer Payment; Basic Public Services; Government Competition; Spatial AutoregressiveModel

