ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



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发布时间:2021-12-31作者:田旭 耿涌 吴瑞 许月浏览次数:299

Temporal and Spatial Evolution Path of Regional Water Footprint and Virtual Water Trade in China

Tian Xu, Geng Yong, Wu Rui and Xu Yue





AbstractWater drives for provincial economic development. Identifying the relevant water consumption at provincial level has great significance for water management and addressing water crisis. Based on the Multi-Regional Input-output model in 2012 and 2017 and structural path analysis, this study revealed the characteristic and evolutionary trend of water consumption, virtual water trade and water critical pathways caused by final demand in each province. The results showed that: compared with the situation in 2012, the water footprint caused by household consumption, government consumption and fixed assets increased in central and western regions, furthermore, the net imported virtual water trade in central and western regions also increased in 2017; agricultural sector is the key water consumption sector in each province; provincial direct water consumption more relied on its local industries, and the path of provincial indirect water consumption became more diverse in 2017. In order to achieve the sustainable management of water resources, province should strengthen the governance of green consumption models, and promote the efficient in virtual water trade, and promote the ability of key industries addressing the water supply chain crisis.

Keywords: Input-Output Analysis; Provincial; Structural Path Analysis; Virtual Water Trade; Water Footprint


基金资助:上海市浦江人才计划项目“贸易对上海市经济绿色低碳发展的影响研究”(批准号: 2020PJC078);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“中国对外商品贸易中隐含资源转移时空特征、影响因素及政策优化研究”(批准号: 71704104)和国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目“中国社会经济绿色低碳发展的规律研究”(批准号: 71810107001)


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