ISSN 2096-2533

CN 42-1881/F



  • 当期目录


发布时间:2022-03-31作者:石敏俊 陈岭楠 林思佳浏览次数:316

Two Mountains Bankand Ecological Industrialization

Shi Minjun, Chen Lingnaa, Lin Sijia



AbstractThe National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection in 2018 suggested accelerating the building of an ecological economic system with industrial ecologicalization and ecological industrialization as the major components. Ecological industrialization requires the development of eco-agriculture,eco-industry, eco-tourism and other“eco-plus”industries based on local ecological advantages, so that ecological products with commercial properties can enter the market and realize their value through trading, which can transform positive ecological externalities into real economic value. The fragmentation of ecological resources constrains the development of ecological industrialization. As a management platform for ecological resources assets, the main objective of the“Two Mountains Bank”is to break the bottlenecks faced by ecological industrialization, such as difficulties in quantification, collateral, trading and realization of ecological products, so as to achieve the goal of“Depositing in lucid waters and lush mountains, withdrawing gold and silver mountains”. Based on the practical case of the“Two Mountains Bank”in Zhejiang Province, this paper sorts out the operation mechanism of the“Two Mountains Bank”and analyzes its role in ecological industrialization. This study finds that the“Two Mountains Bank”has played a certain role in overcoming the scale threshold for ecological industrialization through the collection, integration, property rights reorganization and transition of fragmented resources, which has boosted the process of ecological industrialization. However, it also suffers from problems such as placing too much emphasis on asset storage and neglecting market operations, which
need to be improved through further transformation and upgrading to meet the needs of ecological industrialization.
KeywordsTwo Mountains Bank; Ecological Industrialization; Eco-product Value Realization; Scale Threshold

